pla bag


Economic Oppertunity or temporary phenomenom? Feel free to download our paper!

Technical parameters

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plastic processing

Our services

Consulting and research & development
hand plant

Business directory

Find here all relevant companies in the bio-plastics market.




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Herbert M. Holm Folienverarbeitung GmbH
Waldhofstraße 4
25474 Ellerbek


Herbert M. Holm Folienverarbeitung GmbH

Seit 1980 stellen wir Tragetaschen, Beutel und Verpackungsfolien her. Die gesamte Entwicklung, die Fertigung und der Druck befinden sich im eigenen Hause. Wir arbeiten mit verschiedenen innovativen in- und ausländischen Folienherstellern eng zusammen. Qualität, Flexibilität, kurze Lieferzeiten und attraktive Preise unter Berücksichtigung ökologischer Gesichtspunkte sind Grundlage unserer Unternehmensphilosophie.


Kompostierbare Tragetaschen aus Stärke

Größere Kartenansicht

The industry portal is a project by Franz-Patat-Zentrum. This comprehensive portal provides information about the benefits and possibilities of the use of bioplastics industry since 2005, providing a source of skilled technical know-how as well as a professional platform that serves as showcase for companies, their products and services.

In addition to background information and current news, has focused mainly on the field of technical properties of bioplastics. As technical experts with over 25 years of experience in the field of bioplastics, we also wish to provide you on this portal with an overview of the consulting portfolio offered by us and inform you about our research and development services.
 113 FPZ